Homework for Monday, April 13

After trying some simple IQ questions in class, let’s get to know a different theory of intelligence. American psychologist, Howard Gardner wasn’t happy with the old belief that intelligence could be summed up in a single number. Challenging the old theories, Gardner developed his theory of multiple intelligences.


Take this online test to find out your “profile”. Remember to save a screenshot of your results on your laptop, or print it as you will have to be able to discuss your results in class on Monday! It will look like the colourful picture above!

PLUS: also remember to do the video listening in the previous post!

8 thoughts on “Homework for Monday, April 13

  1. The good part about the IQ test is that you get a solid number that you can compare with other people who have taken the same test, but the bad part is that the IQ test is very limited in the way that it measures a persons intelligence, basically it just measures ones logical skills. The theory of multiple intelligence’s gives a bigger picture of a persons intelligence in comparison to their personality, so just by seeing someones chart you can get a good idea of their mentality. But the con is that you can’t really compare your score with other people, because the test shows what you’re good at, but it doesn’t show how good you are.


  2. Me and Teemu tought that IQ test is better at measuring intelligence compared to other people. In a way, it is insufficient because people are inteligent in many ways, but the fact is that some people just are smarter than others. Evereyone can’t be a genius. We think that ranking people is kinda right, because you can see this kinda ranking in real life. Just look at the school system. People that have higher grades in primary school, usually have higher IQ, and usually go to University and the higher levels of education than the people who get lower grades. In some cases just not being lazy works too, but lets move on to next subject, the theory of mulitple intelligences. It is more like kinda personality test, because it checks more like what you are into, but not like how good you are at something. We are running out of time. Thanks for reading!


  3. We personally think that these things can’t be measured in numbers.Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is more about the human personalities: not about intelligence of any kind. These things are a bit personal: numbers can’t tell you how intelligent you are. Even if you did get good grades on the test, you still could be stupid in social things. We think that Gardner’s theory is better, but not good. It’s a bit positive, but still it measures things with the wrong way. If Beethoven did the test, he may not be musically intelligent.


  4. The IQ test basically only measures some sorts of intelligence unlike the theory of multiple intelligences, but it does have a good straightforward scale. Some people may think that the theory of multiple intelligences is more of a personality test than a “real” IQ test. Both of the tests aren´t so accurate, but the theory of multiple intelligences is a better test than the IQ test, because it may give you more information about yourself and your strengths.


  5. Even though neither of the intelligence tests are able to measure everything about intelligence, they both have their pros and cons.
    The IQ test gives you a straight and clear answer unlike the MI test. The MI test gives more of a rounded answer. Where the MI test measures more of the different levels of intelligence, the IQ test concentrates more on the logical level of intelligence and so gives one a better idea of their logical intelligence and reasoning skills. The MI test doesn’t necessarily leave one with the feeling of being dumb in the situation where one compares their answers to their friend’s.
    We think that the MI test is a better way to measure ones intelligence for it takes to count for example ones artistic and social skills.


  6. We think that neither of the tests are necessarily better than the other. They are simply different. IQ tests focus more on a certain aspect of a persons intelligence, which allows for more accurate results. The results also tell more of the subjects overall mental development. A low score on an IQ test can mean a completely different thing, than a low score on the Gardener’s test.
    But then again, IQ tests only focus on a single part of the human intellect, which means, that there’s no information on the other types.

    – Niko & Riiko


  7. We thought that the IQ test was good, but it doesn’t tell the whole truth. Also this was just an online test and cannot be compared to a real IQ test. This IQ test had very few questions so it’s not possible to be totally right.
    The IQ test was literally a test. It tested your skills well and the number is easily compared with other people’s results. The so called ”test” of the theory of multiple intelligence just asked questions about yourself that all the people could answer no matter how intelligence or stupid they are. Some people may find it difficult to know things about themselves correctly. After all, one part of intelligence is knowing yourself right?


  8. Joon and Tuomas

    IQ test

    Pros: You can compare your IQ test results with other persons really easily because it´s simplified as a number. The IQ test gives you a number about your actual intelligence on basic information about the common world or common sence.

    Cons: The result is just a number that doesn´t actually give you any idea what your actually good at but only about your level of intelligence. Your level of intelligence doesn’t apply in the real world where as the things you can do.

    MI test

    Pros: Gives you an idea of what you might be good at and about your other kind of intelligence rather than only your cognitive brain working.

    Cons: The test doesn´t actually give you anything to measure the different areas of your intelligence. It only tells you what you are interested about or what you like to do, it´s more like a lifestyle quiz than an IQ test. It gives you an idea about what you should be but not that how good you are at something.


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